A character in the 2001 Israeli film, Buchachi, dispensed a nice little quote:
"He who thinks like a slave, lives like a slave. He who thinks like a king, lives like a king."
This Monday night, Jews from all over the world will sit down with their families and loved ones for the Passover Seder. Everyone who celebrates Passover is called to see him or herself as though they were delivered from bondage in Egypt.
Although Passover marks our delivery from the physical slavery which we endured in Egypt, we must also remember that Passover also signifies a "red letter day" on the Jewish calendar when we are required to deliver ourselves from our everyday mental slavery as well.
We must free ourselves from shackles of thought which bind us, of prejudice, of misconception, of all the things which prevent us from seeing the world around us in a more refined way and gaining a clearer perspective of events and situations. We must free ourselves from harboring anger and hate. We must free ourselves from memory, free ourselves from the past so that we may move forward into the future. As one pop singing group once put it, "Free your mind and the rest will follow".
This Passover, let us be reminded to free ourselves at every passing moment.
Happy Passover!
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