Instead of pulling towards a dream
That I would much rather
Not dwell and deem
To simply scream the silent scream
And why must I not go there now
Why for this my head should bow
And why deter myself when it should seem
That I am simply better off
At screaming the silent scream
And many who once came before
Lived in this world
With the same chore
But they decided much for them
To walk upon the narrow beam
Instead of letting go
And screaming the silent scream
And why persist, go on, continue
And why must it remain within you
Why perpetuate this further
Why present a blinking cursor
Why you chose this color scheme
Why you scream this silent scream
And once it was the epicenter
And over time when you grew gentler
It no longer could hold on
Other things to dwell upon
No longer was it so important
As at the time when you were potent
I hear your voice upon this ream
I hear you scream the silent scream

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